Thursday, October 2, 2008


There are so many already existing organizations that you just need to join or participate in.
  • Make a Wish Foundation (raise money for children with life threatening illnesses)
  • Habitat for Humanity (Build homes for the homeless)
  • Special Olympics (Volunteer to coach the athletes or raise money for the event)
  • Salvation Army (Donate items or volunteer to ring a bell at Christmas time)
  • Red Cross (Donate blood or time)
  • Kiwanis (participate in local service events)
  • Sponsor a Child (Fund a child in a 3rd world country)
  • March of Dimes (raise money)
  • America Cancer Society (raise money through Walks and other events)
You can also volunteer at hospitals (cheer up those poor people), food banks (donate cans of food), and local shelters ( they always need help painting or renovating). There is always something going'd be surprised.


There are so many things you can do to make someone smile, or make a difference in the community. You don't have to spend any money, and you don't have to produce a work of art.
I hope some of the ideas I have posted help you in your service endeavors!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Just Listen

One of the best things you can do is just listen and actually care about what someone is saying.
This seems like a given, but so few people try anymore.
It seems people have lost the skill of listening in this crazy world we live in. It always shows someone how much you care about them when you remember something that they told you. Such as "How was your trip to (specific location)". When you are having a conversation with someone respond to what they say. I had a teacher once who when he said hello to you (besides the fact that he also knew the name of every student in the 1,300 + student body) he remembered something you had told him. He cheered up a lot of down teenagers by just listening to them.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Brighten Someone's Day

Here are some cheap and easy ideas that may make more of a difference than you may ever know.
  • Pick some flowers (things are more personal if they are handmade, or in this case handpicked)- Put a ribbon around them or put them in a vase, then deliver!
You can usually find flowers (well during the summer) on the side of the road, in your yard, or I guess you can buy them.
  • Write a note- even sticky notes can bring a smile to someone's face.
  • TIP Doing things anonymously always makes things fun for the recipient, but depending on the circumstances it might be best to let them know.
  • Say hello- there are always those that just need a friend, or need to know that someone does notice and care about them.